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Cello Solo from Tchaikovsky “Sleeping Beauty” (Dornröschen)

Sebastian Diezig, Cello

I practised it for the upcoming Ballet production with the Lucerne Symphony in the Luzerner Theater. Unfortunately the ballet got shortened and before the first rehearsal I was told that this solo and many other parts got cut out in order to shorten the piece. Therefore I dexided to share it on Youtube. It’s a very nice cello solo. Audio quality is okay but not great because I recorded it very easily through my computer (Photo Booth).

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Video: Sebastian Diezig: Top Gun Variations for cello solo (2012)

This is so far my largest work as a composer. I wrote the piece in 2012.
Inspiration is obviously the great “Top Gun Anthem” that genius composer Harold Faltermeyer composed as the soundtrack for the Hollywood Blockbuster “Top Gun” from which i adapted the original theme to the cello. All the following variations are my own work. I hope Harold Faltermeyer doesn’t mind the use of his “Top Gun Anthem” as the theme for my “Top Gun Variations”. I tried to contact him to know for sure but didn’t get an answer. Please let me know if I violate a copyright and I will take this video down immediately.
Concert took place in Fribourg, Centre le Phénix on January 13, 2013.

Sebastian Diezig, Cello

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